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Farmacia Legnani: New Year, New Air

Alessandro Costantini

Is it possible to limit contagions among patients entering the pharmacy? 

Is it possible to limit heavy air (and fierce headaches at the end of the day) in a busy shop?

Is it possible to protect staff from pollution coming in from the street? 

The answers in the story of Farmacia Legnani, which recently became Farmacia AntiSmog.

Innovation, always

In Milan, in the prestigious residential area near Corso Vercelli and Piazzale Baracca, stands the historic Farmacia Legnani, which has been in the area for around 60 years and is known in Italy and abroad as an important reference point for natural medicine.

The birth and success of this pharmacy is based on a particularly innovative approach for the time based on the 'philosophy of natural', in which the search for health is oriented towards the person and not the disease, the cause and not the symptom, rebalancing instead of cure.

What continues to distinguish Farmacia Legnani from many other realities is its extensive knowledge of all that is alternative: from homoeopathy to phytotherapy, from Chinese medicine to ayurvedic, from chromotherapy to flower therapy.

This knowledge, combined with solid expertise and professionalism in the field of 'traditional' medicines, means that those who enter Farmacia Legnani know they can count on all-round assistance and reliable, decisive advice.

Choosing to become an AntiSmog Pharmacy

Obviously so much success leads many people to frequent this pharmacy. Good for the business, less good for the air quality. In a space that is, mainly for architectural reasons, quite cramped and narrow, the crowding, the smog coming in from outside and the breathing of so many people - often sick people - created problems.

This is why Dr. Alessandro De Zanetti, owner together with his father, Dr. Andrea, turned to U-Earth to find a solution that would help the large number of staff and many customers find a healthier, safer and more pleasant environment.

The natural solution: Pure Air Zone

Resonating with the 'natural philosophy' approach that has always guided the Legnani Pharmacy, the solution came with the introduction of an air purification system, U-Earth's Pure Air Zone suite. 

Pure Air Zone creates a 'bubble' of clean air by harnessing the power of nature through the combined use of a bioreactor and U-Ox®, a proprietary formulation of natural bacteria and enzymes. 

Pure Air Zone captures, digests and neutralises air contaminants of all types and smallest sizes, without producing harmful waste.

Finally breathing new air

The effects of this choice were not long in coming!

From the very first weeks, the perception of improved air quality was immediately clear.

In spite of the high number of people, due to the festivities and the winter period, the staff immediately noticed that, until the evening, the air was much cleaner and fresher than before. But this is only part of the new AntiSmog Pharmacy concept.

More can be done

Always on the lookout for novelty and innovation, the Legnani Pharmacy then decided to also become an official dealer of U-Earth Hyper Health products. 

It has therefore supplemented its assortment with a suite of products that help people protect themselves from pollution, even when they leave the pharmacy, outside the Pure Air Zone "bubble" of clean air.

A suite of biotech products, based on genetics and epigenetics studies and made with 100% natural, organic and non-GMO ingredients.

A choice made, again, in full respect of the naturalness so dear to Farmacia Legnani, which has thus become an AntiSmog Pharmacy.

This story is confirmation of the fact that, for this pharmacy, the top priority is customer care, which goes hand in hand with caring for the health of its staff. Find out more about Farmacia AntiSmog.

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