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Do Air Purifiers Help With Pet Allergies? The Benefits of Good Air Quality

Pet allergies can be extremely uncomfortable for many people. One of the biggest ways that these allergies can be aggravated is by being in areas with bad air quality. Take a look at some of the solutions to combat this.

Air purifiers help with pet allergies

Pet allergies and the symptoms that come with them can be extremely irritating, especially when you don’t even have any pets. And there are a lot of people who have to deal with this on a regular basis. In fact, 10 - 20% of the world’s population suffers from pet allergies. On top of all this, for many areas around the world, there is no way to avoid areas high in pet dander.

Good air quality can massively reduce the impact of pet dander when out and about. So, with that in mind, let’s answer the question: do air purifiers help with pet allergies?

What You Need to Know About Pet Allergies

So, before we get down to the details, here’s what you need to know about pet dander.

Pet allergies are most commonly found in particles in pet hair entering the atmosphere and causing allergic reactions in those who have these allergies and breathe in the air.

How does this enter the atmosphere, though? Well, there are lots of proteins in pet saliva and sweat; when the pet scratches or moves about, these small particles go flying into the atmosphere.

When you have other allergens in the atmosphere as well as pet particles, they can mix together and cause an even worse allergic reaction than before. This can be very bad news, and it is common in lots of areas where bad-quality air is rife.

Only by reducing these particles from the air can people massively reduce the allergic reactions they have.

Does Air Quality Affect You Getting Allergic Reactions?

It is probably of no surprise to you that air pollution is a big problem. With more than nine out of 10 people living in areas with bad air quality, the majority of people on Earth are affected by it.

Those who have allergies are impacted even more. You might even notice it when you go from the countryside to the big city centre.

Areas with bad air quality are full of allergens like pollen, mould spores and dust mites. All of these can aggravate your allergies if you breathe them in regularly, making your immune system go into overdrive. No one wants that!

This often leads to a lot of uncomfortable moments when trying to work or just living your life.

How to Stop Getting Allergic Reactions: Air Quality Monitoring

But what can you do to protect yourself? First of all, you should do some air quality monitoring. Check out the Air Quality Index on an important website or in the Pure Air Zone App to find out how polluted the air is around you. On days when you do some air quality monitoring and find it especially bad, it is sometimes a good idea to stay inside.

But for many people who have businesses in these areas, this is completely impractical.

However, there is a solution: air purifiers. These devices can take out harmful air particles and ensure that you are breathing in clean air, reducing the chance of allergies and making it easier to breathe and work in your surrounding environment.

So, with that in mind, let’s explain exactly why this is the case below.

Do Air Purifiers Help With Pet Allergies? What You Need to Know

So, you’re tired of constantly rubbing your eyes every time you go outside. Well, air purifiers can be the saving grace you need.

So, how do they work?

In short, air purifiers contain filters that trap allergens and unwanted air particles floating around, making sure that only fresh, healthy air is in the surrounding area for you to breathe. These machines require very little maintenance, with you only having to refresh the water canister every so often, and that’s it.

So, you can say goodbye to all the pesky allergens floating around the air and make your days more bearable and pet allergy-free.

Furthermore, it can help with other common allergies, as dust and pollen that are common in many areas won’t be present in places with a high-quality air purifier. So, air purifiers are the perfect solution for those who want to experience life without getting runny noses or itchy eyes.

The Benefits of Air Purifiers

Another benefit of air purifiers is that if you have a business, you will be able to offer a nicer environment for your customers by providing healthy, non-allergic air.

And with fewer employees taking time off due to their allergies, you will benefit from a more productive workforce, improving your business in the long run.

As well as all this, having an air purifier will prove to your employees that you care about their well-being, and your clients will be happier to visit your office or shop due to the much cleaner air.

Improve Your Air Quality Today

All in all, to those wondering if air purifiers help with pet allergies, the answer is a resounding yes.

It is obvious that there are a variety of benefits to having cleaner air, from reducing allergic reactions to improving the health of those in the area by allowing them to breathe fresh and clean air.

Are you interested in finding out more about air purifiers and how they can make the air cleaner for everyone to breathe? If so, find out more about Pure Air Zone here.

Or download the Pure Air Zone App to know the air quality score in your location!

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